Kyle Micheal Purdie aka “Rage”
Kyle is a very violent kid (thats why his nickname is "RAGE"); he likes to fight and has had various issues with law enforcement over the last few years. He was convicted of stealing a neighbor’s go-cart, and ended up on probation for that offense approximately 2 years ago.
Last year he attended Southeast High school (2011-2012), at the end of the school year during the beginning of May, Kyle sexted (also known as the distribution of child pornography) nude pictures randomly to other students of two juvenile girls who also attended Southeast, these girls were humiliated and made fun of thanks to Kyle's inexcusable actions.
Kyle’s weapons of choice are his computer (usually a laptop like the one shown in the picture above) and his cell phone, he likes to entice young girls into sending him sexually compromising nude photos (child pornography pictures). This is also known as the sexual exploitation of a minor, or internet enticement of a minor. This charge actually carries a minimum term of ten years and a maximum term of life in prison for an adult predator, but since Kyle is a predator still of minor age, he would most likely receive nothing more than a slap on the wrist for this crimes, if he were ever to be convicted by our pathetic excuse for a juvenile court system.
Unfortunately, the Vice Principle (Steve Sigworth) at Southeast High School made the idiotic decision to sweep this incident under the rug (covering it up in the hope that this incident would never actually reach the outside world, this is exactly how the Southeast School system keeps its high rating) and he did not report it to the proper authorities (aka law enforcement or the prosecutors office), thus the only punishment Kyle ever received for his inexcusable actions was a ten day suspension from school. It is quite obvious that Kyle should not be permitted to own or to use any electronic devices that would give him access to the internet, such as computers or cell phones, as these are the very tools he uses on a regular basis to victimize the young and naive girls that fall prey to his enticement.
Kyle is a sexual predator of the worst kind; he is a minor, so the same laws used to deal with adult sexual predators don’t seem to apply to him. Kyle is also a sociopath and feels no guilt or remorse for the pain that he causes to other people. He is a modern day equivalent to Jeffery Dahmer, in relation to Kyle's thirst for child porn.
Kyle currently attends High School and lives in Ravenna, so if you live in this area and have a young (juvenile) daughter, please be aware that this sick, perverted, sociopathic son-of-a-bitch is living in your neighborhood, and preying on your daughters.
Kyle is still up to his old tricks, most recently he has been spotted in the Deerfield area late at night, while committing criminal acts by painting slanderous comments on the roads leading to the home of the person who initially reported his criminal activities involving child pornography to the Southeast High school authorities.
Kyle is still up to his old tricks, most recently he has been spotted in the Deerfield area late at night, while committing criminal acts by painting slanderous comments on the roads leading to the home of the person who initially reported his criminal activities involving child pornography to the Southeast High school authorities.
Protect your children, especially your young daughters from this predator!!!
The two people that Kyle calls his best friends and brothers in arms are in fact convicted criminals; they are currently serving time for a series of drive-by-shootings that were closely related to the distribution of child pornography incident that happened at Southeast High School. When Kyle was suspended for the possession, receipt and distribution of child pornography, his two best friends retaliated by vandalizing the property of the individual who turned them all in, the vandalism continued over a three week period in time directly following Kyle’s suspension from school, and included sugar in the gas tanks of this persons three vehicles, and also the slashing of a total of five tires on the individuals vehicles. When these tactics proved ineffective, they moved onto more serious methods of intimidation by doing two separate drive-by-shootings at the Deerfield resident’s home located in Portage County Ohio, and they also did another unrelated drive-by-shooting at an elderly couple’s home in Craig Beach, which is located in Mahoning County Ohio.
This is Brae Menteer, Kyle’s best friend and a person he refers to as his brother, he is currently serving three years in the Ohio Department of Corrections for discharging a firearm at or into a dwelling and also for being an accomplice to discharging of a firearm at or into a dwelling during the two shootings in Deerfield.
This is Brae Menteer, Kyle’s best friend and a person he refers to as his brother, he is currently serving three years in the Ohio Department of Corrections for discharging a firearm at or into a dwelling and also for being an accomplice to discharging of a firearm at or into a dwelling during the two shootings in Deerfield.
What a total miscarriage of justice, this piece of shit only received one year from Judge Carnes, this judge is a complete joke and should be relieved from his position as a judge. Isaac should have received at least the same sentence that his accomplice Brae Menteer received, one year is a slap in the face to the victim of the crime. Isaac is up for release review in July of 2013, and will most likeky be released.
Maybe Judge Carnes should experience just what it feels like to be shot at, have your property destroyed in the amount of just shy of $10,000.00 in damages, and also see just what it feels like to have the sense of being safe in your own home completely taken away from you.
Maybe Judge Carnes should experience just what it feels like to be shot at, have your property destroyed in the amount of just shy of $10,000.00 in damages, and also see just what it feels like to have the sense of being safe in your own home completely taken away from you.